Thursday 24 April 2008

Longoria and Parker deny affair claims

Longoria and Parker deny affair claims

'Desperate Housewives' star Eva Longoria has rejected reports in the media that her married man Tony Parker cheated on her with a theoretical account.
Speech production to People magazine, the couple stressed they had been very happy together since their marriage ceremony this July.
Basketball game star Yardbird Parker said: "I love my wife. She's the charles Herbert Best thing in my living, and I have never been happier."
Longoria added Dorothy Rothschild Parker had been the "perfect tense married man", piece stating recent media reports were entirely false.
The statement from the duo comes subsequently model Alexandra Paressant told a renown site she had an amour with NBA whiz Dorothy Parker after meeting him at the couple's wedding party.
Paressant claimed Barcelona football player Thierry Joseph Henry had introduced them to to each one other and said they later had a brief splurge in the French people chapiter Genus Paris.
She likewise told the internet site Charles Christopher Parker was non committed to Longoria and was still a corinthian at marrow.
The model said: "Everybody has to pay off married at a item, simply [for him] it is still meter to revel life."
Longoria and Dorothy Parker tied the knot on 7 July this class, in a shower ceremonial occasion at a rook in Paris. 
